Natural Selection - Hardy-Weinberg equilibrium, showing organisms on different backgrounds Plant Transpiration - different plants, variables are heat, fan and light (A).Biotechnology: Knocking Out Genes - determine what happens when a gene is missing.Tracking Grizzlies - sequence the DNA of hair samples of grizzlies.Gene Splicing - use restriction enzymes to splice genes into new organisms.Gene Regulation and Mutation - mRNA is used to determine amino acid sequences.Sex-Linked Traits - using drosophila and eye color P, F1 and F2 generations examined.Punnett Squares - choose fruit fly parents and show crosses.

View virtual slides of normal and cancerous cells

Which colors of the light spectrum are most important for plant growth? - compare plant growth under different colored lights (.What kills germs? - innoculate petri dishes, observe zones of inhibition around substances such as bleach and antibiotics.How can natural selection be modeled? - models how prey species adapt to a changing environment.How do sponges, cnidarians, flatworms, and roundworms obtain food? - explore a reef, watch videos of feeding.How is the flower color variation of Hydrangea related to the pH ? - change pH by mixing substances, observe color change.What are the functions of the parts of a flower? - labeling exercise.How are living things classified into groups? - 6 kingdoms, classification exercise.How are traits passed from parents to offspring? - punnet square practice showing traits of a strange (imaginary) primate.Under what conditions do cells gain or lose water? - watch how cells react in different solutions.How can microscopic protists and fungi be characterized? - observe and classify protists.What is the life cycle of a simple plant? - label a chart/model showing a fern life cycle.What is the role of DNA and RNA in protein synthesis? - match bases on DNA and RNA.How do animal and plant cells work? - labeling exercise.I have left this page as a placeholder, hoping that someday there will be alternatives. The ones listed below will no longer work. There are few alternatives to the large amount of Flash games and science simulations. Virtual Labs Update: December 2019 Major browsers, like Chrome, Edge, and Safari, block the use of Flash and Adobe has planned to completely kill the platform in 2020.