Rufus, or one of his identical clones, was later found in the trash of Kuvaq, a kicking and screaming baby. However, the color was not permanent and faded after puberty. Hermes thought he could tell the three apart by giving them each different hair colors (Rufus had red hair). Only Rufus (Prototype R), Cletus (Prototype C), and Argus (Prototype A), survived the process. Hermes attempted to improve them by taking away their respect for life, but it caused them to not fear death the clones took dangerous risks and it is implied many of them died. Rufus was originally designed by Hermes as a prototype prior to the mass production of the Organon, an army of dispensable workers. He believes he is a dashing daredevil and a savior to many of those he comes across, due to his narcissistic worldview. However, he still laughs at the pain of his fan, Barry, indicating that he hasn't completely changed. Additionally, at the end of Goodbye Deponia, Rufus makes a completely selfless decision to let himself fall so someone else can be saved. Despite his many negative qualities, he is persistent, creative, and has a near-superhuman ability to survive almost anything. Rufus's constant antics often end up harming himself and others, and he leaves a trail of destruction in his wake. He is clumsy, especially when he means not to be when purposefully attempting to break off the antenna at the Resistance base in Goodbye Deponia, he fails to move it, but after stating that he wants to "adjust" it, he manages to tear it free. He is egotistical and selfish though sometimes claiming his actions are for the benefit of others, Rufus's main motivation is to satisfy his own goals, often at the harm of someone else. Rufus is an antihero, lacking empathy or morals. The boots have folds on the top with tiny gold buttons and straps over the middle of the shoes with rectangular gold buckles on the ends. He wears beige pants and heavy, dark brown boots just below knee-level. Around his neck is tied a dark red scarf, and around his waist are two diagonally crossed brown belts with several pouches. Rufus wears an orange shirt with small white buttons down the middle, two white stripes around the lower half of the shirt. On each of the lapels are misshapen gold buttons. On the back of the coat, at the waist, is a decorative strap held at either end by square gold buttons. Over all his clothes Rufus wears a light purple-brown coat that goes a little past his knees and is folded at the end of the sleeves. He also has matching gold-colored goggles with small spokes around the rim and a gray-green strap. He wears a gray-green cap with straps that hang down past his ears and have gold-colored rectangles at the bottom. He has a long, thin neck, lines under his eyes, and (like most characters) four fingers on each hand. He has messy dark brown hair, a short, scruffy beard, and thick eyebrows.